by Ayala ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery | Oct 2, 2017 | blog
Statistics show that more than 30 million people in the U.S. suffer from chronic sinusitis. This condition costs sufferers hundreds or thousands of dollars each year in medical bills, lost time at work, and medications designed to relieve the symptoms temporarily.... by Ayala ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery | Sep 4, 2017 | blog
You are tired of battling with your stuffed nose. It’s a chronic problem that won’t go away. You have forgotten what it is like to have clear sinuses. You have struggled with infections and allergies. You have tried every medication your doctor has... by Ayala ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery | Jun 5, 2017 | blog
Sinusitis negatively affects a lot of people, and it causes a blockage within the sinus opening. If mucus isn’t able to drain properly, then you can end up with chronic sinus infections. This condition can cause a variety of unwanted symptoms, and if you have it, you... by Ayala ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery | Aug 22, 2016 | blog
Breathing is something that we take for granted. As long as a person does not have a problem with their nose, their mouth or their respiratory system, breathing is something that a person does without even thinking about it. Getting a sufficient amount of oxygen into...
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